    Rudolph Angermüller.

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Mozart-Rezeption in Salzburg im 19. Und fruehn 20. Jahrhundert

a paper by Rudolph Angermüller
from the book:
Mozart and the Netherlands (p. 137)

This paper by Angermüller is an example of the close and long lasting collaboration between the Dutch Mozart Music Association and the Mozarteum at Salzburg (you find the complete history of such collaboration in the last section of the book: p. 181).
    Angermüller follows the unfolding of the history of Salzburg, especially starting with the first long period of difficulties the town had to face at the end of the 18th century and at the beginning of the 19th century.
    In this peculiar context, described by Angermüller in details (i.e. the resignation of that evil Colloredo that so many troubles caused not only to Wolfgang, but also to his father Leopold and to his mother), the history of the Mozart reception appears well linked to the Renaissance of Salzburg as town of culture and music, to the foundation of the Mozarteum (a fundamental passage in the story of the Renaissance of the town) and to the evolution of his organization both as an institution and in his architectural elements.
    This is an important reading for the scholars, for the music students who want to attend the Mozarteum and for the Mozart amateurs, who want to visit Salzburg and its historical Mozartian places and have a better comprehension of how all this began (after the death of Mozart), how it evolved, by giving new life to Salzburg itself and to its main institutions and music festivals.
    Those who love The Magic Flute (and who not?) will find also something on the story of the famous little house of the The Magic Flute, where, it is said, Mozart spent various days, working on the score of his immortal masterpiece.

S. & L.M. Jennarelli