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Mozart lived in Italy for a certain period between 1770 and 1773, producing there 3 important operas, Mitridate Re di Ponto (1770), Ascanio in Alba (1771), Lucio Silla (1772).

During that period, Mozart and his father must have certainly eaten many typical Italian Rice dishes, already very famous there, like the Rice Timballi.

However, we know that young Mozart from time to time loved to eat dishes in German style, when in Italy,... and usually Italian aristocracy chefs prepared also dishes in German style.

Enjoy these original Mozartian recipes!

The English modern version of these recipes is an exclusive property of MozartCircle.
Pheasant & Mozart
Mozart, Rice & the Scottish Rice Puddings
The Rice Series No. 9
1. Scottish Rice Pudding
English Rice Pudding
German Rice Pudding
Bavarian Rice Pudding
A series of famous rice recipes which were already very popular, when Mozart & his father Leopold visited Italy for the first time in 1770, and which soon became international dishes!
Scottish, English, German & Bavarian Mozart!


Rice (240gr.; Originario type better)
Cow Milk (ca. 0,85l; fresh)
Milk Cream (ca. 0,2l)
Butter (fresh, unsalted)
Cinnamon (finely minced; a pinch)
Lemon Rind (of 1 Lemon, grated)
Brioche Type Sweet Bread (golden toasted & grated)
Sugar (ca. 100gr.)
Egg Yolks (6, fresh)
Egg Whites (4, whipped)


1. Wash the rice with fresh water very well (6-7 times ca.). Then put it into a pan.

2. Add the milk, the milk cream, the butter, the cinnamon and the lemon rind.

3. Let it simmer, while keeping stirring with a wooden spoon. Let it simmer, until the rice has absorbed all the milk.

4. When the rice is ready, let it cool down, while you whip the whites of the eggs very well.

5. When the rice is sufficiently cold, pour it into a bowl and add the sugar, the egg yolks. Stir it carefully, then, slowly, add the whipped egg whites and keep stirring carefully, until you get a smooth mixture.

6. Now prepare a casserole. Grease it with butter very well. Then add the grated golden toasted bread, so to cover all the surface of the casserole.

7. Now pour the Rice mixture into the casserole. Cover the Rice mixture with grated golden toasted bread.

8. Put the casserole into the oven. It is ready in 1 hour.

9. When the Rice Pudding is ready, do not take it out of the casserole. Before removing the pudding from the casserole, be sure that the Rice Pudding is perfectly cold. It may take also a few hours.

The preparation of this pudding is identical to the previous one. But, in this case, when adding the egg yolks, you must add raisins, currants, sultanas to the mixture. If you manage to find Zibibbo, you can add it to the raisins, currants, sultanas, but by removing the stone from the grapes before adding them to the Pudding.
The grapes of the type Zibibbo (= type Muscat of Alexandria, which, in the 18th century, was considered a delicacy for few lucky people) are, nowadays, a rarity also in Italy and can be found only in few regions: you can use instead good extra-sweet white grapes.

The preparation of this pudding is identical to the previous one. But, in this case, when you must pour the Rice mixture into the Casserole, you must be ready to prepare 4 different layers of Rice Mixture. Do it in this way. You must choose 3 different types of fruit jams and/or marmalades. Now pour the first layer of rice in the casserole. Create a first layer of jam/marmalade. Pour a second layer of rice onto the layer of jam and go on in this way, until you have created a third layer of jam/marmalade covered by a fourth layer of rice.
Now just follow the instructions for the Scottish Rice Pudding.

The preparation of this pudding is identical to the previous one. But, in this case, when you must pour the Rice mixture into the Casserole, you must add to the Rice Mixture fruits in pieces, cooked with sugar (instead of the German jams and/or marmalades). So pour the Rice into the casserole, add the cooked pieces of fruits (you have chosen) with their sugar syrup. Cover them with Rice mixture. Add other pieces of fruits with their syrup. Cover them with Rice and go on in this way, until you are done.
Now just follow the instructions for the Scottish Rice Pudding.

Dopo che averete mondato, e ben lavato ott’oncie di riso a più acque tiepide, fatelo ben cuocere con latte, un pezzo di butirro fresco, un poco di fiore di latte, uno stecco di cannella, ed una scorzetta di limone, osservate che sia denso, e versatelo in una terrina, quando sarà freddo, levate la cannella, e limone, aggiungeteci zucchero fino a proporzione, sei rossi d’uova, e quattro bianchi sbattuti in fiocca, mescolate prima i rossi, e poi i bianchi. Abbiate una cazzarola secondo la quantità del riso, imbutirratela, spolverizzatela di mollica di pane grattato fino, versateci il riso, spolverizzate di mollica di pane anche sopra, fate cuocere un’ora ad un forno temperato, indi rivoltate e servite di bel colore.

Questo si appresta nello stesso modo, solo si aggiunge al riso delle passarine mondate, lavate nell’acqua tiepida, e bene asciugate, ovvero zibibbo capato e lavato, tolti i pipini, e bene asciugato, ovvero l’uno, e l’altro, e si finisce, e si serve come sopra.

Quando averete cotto il riso, e condito come quello per il Gattò alla Scozzese, abbiate tre sorta di marmellate di frutti, fate prima dentro la cazzarola unta di butirro, e spolverizzata di mollica grattata, uno strato di riso, ed uno di marmellata, e cosi continuate sino al fine, variando le marmellate, e terminando col riso, fate cuocere ad un forno temperato, e servite di bel colore.

Questo Gattò si appresta, come il precedente, ma in luogo delle Marmellate, vi si mettono dei frutti, cotti come in composta ma stretta di zucchero; e si finisce, e si cuoce come sopra. Se a questi Gattò, e Pudini di riso, in luogo di panare la cazzarola, la volete coprire di strisce di carta imbutirrata , io credo che ciò sarà meglio.