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Mozart lived in Italy for a certain period between 1770 and 1773, producing there 3 important operas, Mitridate Re di Ponto (1770), Ascanio in Alba (1771), Lucio Silla (1772).

During that period, Mozart and his father must have certainly eaten many typical Italian Rice dishes, already very famous there, like the Rice Timballi.

However, we know that young Mozart from time to time loved to eat dishes in German style, when in Italy,... and usually Italian aristocracy chefs prepared also dishes in German style.

Enjoy these original Mozartian recipes!

The English modern version of these recipes is an exclusive property of MozartCircle.
Pheasant & Mozart
Mozart, Rice & Tomaytoes & Tomahtoes
The Rice Series No. 8
1. Rice Soup with Tomato Sauce (1790)
A series of famous rice recipes which were already very popular, when Mozart & his father Leopold visited Italy for the first time in 1770, and which soon became international dishes!
You say tomayto, I say tomahto... Mozart wrote even this... really?

This recipe is particularly important, because is one of the first (if not the first ever!) recipe of the modern Tomato Sauce used with rice (and in other 1790 recipes with various kinds of pasta).


Rice (450gr.)
Parsley (a bit finely chopped)
Olive Oil
Anchovies (2; pressed and melted)

For the Tomato sauce:
Tomatoes (ca. 450gr.; fresh; in part in dices, in part finely squashed with a food processor) 
Veal from Heifer (a few dices)
Ham (a few dices)
Carrot (1; in dices)
Onion (1; in dices)
Bread (some in dices)
Celery (some in dices)
Root of Parsley (a few dices)
Shallots (2; in dices)
Cloves (2; crushed)
Garlic (1 clove; finely chopped)
Parsley (a bit finely chopped)
Basil (a bit finely chopped)
Veal Stock (Suage Type)


1. Prepare the Tomato Sauce.

2. Put the veal, the ham, the carrot, the onion, the bread, the celery, the root of parsley, the shallots, the cloves, the garlic and some butter into a pan. Let it cook until the butter is hot and the onion starts getting golden.

3. Then, slowly, pour both the dices of tomatoes and the squashed tomatoes into the pan. Stir with a wooden spoon well. Let it simmer gently.

4. Now add parsley and basil. Adjust salt to taste. Let it simmer.

5. Add now some Suage Veal Stock (Veal Stock prepared by adding some ham, pieces of hen,  parsley, onions, cloves, carrots) to the tomato sauce. Let it simmer gently. When the sauce has absorbed the Veal Stock, add another small glass of Veal Stock and let it simmer again. It's ready, according to your taste, when all the flavours are well blended together. Adjust salt to taste.

6. Now you can prepare the Rice Soup.

7. Put the butter and some drops of olive oil into a pan. Add the melted anchovies and the parsley. Let it cook.

8. When the butter is hot, put the rice into the pan. Let it cook, while you keep stirring with a wooden spoon.

9. Now pour a small glass of Tomato Sauce. When the rice has absorbed it, pour another small glass of Tomato Sauce, while you keep stirring. Repeat as many time as necessary, like a normal Risotto. Usually a Risotto takes ca. 15min. to be ready (it depends on the type of rice you have decided to use).

10. When the Risotto is almost ready, add a bit more of Tomato Sauce, before serving, so that the Risotto is ready but gets a nice fluidity. Add some Grated Parmigiano Reggiano or Grana Padano cheese to the Risotto and adjust salt to taste.

Passate un momento in una cazzarola sopra il fuoco con un poco d’olio, o butirro, un pizzico di petrosemolo trito, e stemperarci poscia fuori del fuoco due alici passate al setaccio, indi metteteci dentro quella quantità di riso che avete bisogno per la zuppa; ben nettato, lavato a più acque calde e fredde, e asciugato; passatelo sopra un fuoco leggiero mezzo quarto d’ora movendolo spesso, bagnatelo con Sugo di pomidoro bollente, conditelo con poco sale, fatelo cuocere più di due terzi, digrassatelo, e servitelo subito alquanto brodoso, e giusto di sale. Se questa zuppa è fatta col butirro, potete aggiungerci nel momento di servire un pugno di parmigiano grattato. 

Ponete in una cazzarola dei dadini di vitella, di prosciutto, di carota, di cipolla, di pane, di sellero, di radica di petrosemolo, due scalogne, due garofani, uno spicchio d’aglio, passate il tutto sopra il fuoco con un pezzo di butirro; quando principierà a rosolare poneteci dentro i pomidoro tagliati in pezzi, alli quali avrete dato una mezza spremuta per fargli sortire una porzione dell’acido, aggiungeteci qualche fusto di petrosemolo, un pochetto di basilico, poco sale, allorché principierà ad asciugarsi bagnate metà Suage, o altro brodo, e metà Culì; fate cuocere dolcemente. Quando sarà cotto digrassate, passate alla stamina in una terrina. Se non avete il colì, metteteci un poco di farina, e bagnate poscia con brodo buono e se non avete vitella fate senza.

Sugo di Pomidoro
Questo si fa nella stessa maniera, alla riserva, che quando si bagna, in luogo di porvi il Culì vi si pone Suage, Restoran, o altro brodo buono.