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Hunt Music for the banquet!

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (quartet K458 "The Hunt", K299d "La Chasse"), Leopold Mozart ("The Hunt" 1769 for keyboard, "Sinfonia da Caccia" with hunting horns and gunshots), Joseph Haydn (Quartet No. 1 "La Chasse" 1762-64, Symphony No. 73 "The Hunt" 1782), Ditters von Dittersdorf (Ovid Symphony No. 3), Paul Wranitzky (Symphony Op. 25 "The Hunt"), Beethoven and many other composers of 18th century composed music inspired by the Hunting Parties of the Aristocracy they all worked for as composers.

The importance of this genre, the Hunt Music (or Jagdmusik) (a musical genre, based on the popular hunting trope, which exists even though the symphony, the quartet or the sonata are not clearly identified by the nickname "The Hunt"), is given principally by the fact that it's Hunt characteristic is derived by the peculiar rhythms and tunes used by the brass instruments (mainly Horns) to give signals during the Huntig Party in the Forests.

Aristocracy loved those Hunt rhythms and tunes and wanted to hear them again also in their palaces but, this time, performed by an orchestra and, why not?, while eating pheasants, boars, deers (the prize of their Hunting Parties) at their tables, during a magnificent banquet!

Enjoy these original Mozartian recipes!

The English modern version of these recipes is an exclusive property of MozartCircle.
Boar & Deer & Mozart
1790: Hunt Music or Hare & Truffles! The Mozartian Game (1790)
1. Fillets of Hare à l'Escalope with Truffles &
2. Potatoes à la Spielberg 
Here a few original famous 18th century Game recipes used across Europe (1790). Many 1750s common recipes were published for the first time only in 1819.
Catch your dish, if you can!

hare (4 fillets)
butter (50gr.)
lardo (minced, it must be a good
    spiced one, like the Lard d'Arnad)
parsley (minced)
shallot (1 small minced)
onion (1 small minced)
garlic (1 very small minced)
basil (in powder)
truffle (a few slices; usually black
pepper (crushed)
ham (a few thin slices)
Champagne or Alsatian white wine
light veal stock
lemon juice
soft part of the bread in crumbs (fried 
     in butter or lardon until golden)

1. The fillets must be thinned out using a mallet.

2. Put the butter with the lardo, the parsley, the shallot, the onion, the garlic, the basil and the slices of truffles into a pan.

3. Melt the butter with the lardo and the other ingredients, then add the fillets à l'escalope and cook them very rapidly and not completely. 

4. Then prepare the half part of onion, shallot, etc. and put it into a thin shallow silver plate for cooking. Put the fillets of hare on the vegetables and add salt, crushed pepper, nutmeg, the slices of ham. Then cover the fillets with the other half part of the vegetables.

5. When you must serve the dish, use the shallow silver plate to cook. Let the fillets rapidly cook completely on both sides.

6. Then position the fillets into a serving plate. Cover them with the slices of ham and the slices of truffle.

7. Add a few drops of Champagne or Alsatian white wine to the sauce of the fillets. Add a few drops of light veal stock. Let the sauce boil. Then pour the hot sauce on the fillets with a few drops of lemon juice added.

8. Add the fried crumbs at the sides of the fillets on the serving plate, in order that they do not receive the hot sauce of the fillets.

9. Now the dish is ready to be served.

Tagliate per traverso in fettine assai sottili quattro filetti di Lepre, dopo che li averete ben puliti dalle pelli e nervi, battetele ben fine. Passate un momento sopra il fuoco in una cazzarola con un pezzo di butirro, e lardo rapato, petrosemolo, scalogna, cipolletta, una punta d'aglio, il tutto trito, basilico in polvere, qualche fetta di tartufo; indi ponete la metà di queste erbe fine sopra un piatto di rame, o di argento, aggiustateci sopra l'Escaloppe, conditele con sale, pepe schiacciato, noce moscata, e qualche fettina di prosciutto, versateci sopra il resto dell'erbe fine. Nel momento di servire ponete il piatto sopra un fuoco allegro; quando saranno cotte da una parte voltatele dall’altra, avendo attenzione che presto si cuociono; subito cotte scolatele, aggiustatele sopra il piatto, con sopra le fette di tartufo, e di prosciutto. Sbruffate un poco di vino di Sciampagna, o altro vino bianco nel piatto dove hanno cotto l’Escaloppe, fatelo consumare, bagnate con un poco di Culì; fate bollire un momento, digrassate, e servite con sugo di limone sopra l'Escaloppe guarnite intorno di crostini di mollica di pane fritti nel butirro, o nello strutto di bel colore.


onion (minced)
white stock or broth
pepper (crushed)
egg yolks (4: it depends on the quantity of potatoes you use)
lemon juice
bread (regular pieces toasted and fried in butter)
parsley (fresh minced)

1. Peel the potatoes and cut them, by giving them the regular shape you like: i.e. irregular dices or regular round slices etc.

2. Put a piece of butter and the minced onion into a large pan and melt the butter.

3. Then add the potatoes. Let them cook with the butter and the onion only for a few minutes, always stirring with a large wooden spoon to. Then add the white stock or broth of your choice (or, if you prefer it, only some boiling water). Now add salt, crushed pepper and nutmeg.

4. Let the potatoes cook slowly.

5. When the potatoes are cooked, add the yolks and the lemon juice. Gently stir with a wooden spoon, in order to get a smooth sauce from the yolks and the cooking sauce of the potatoes.

6. When you are done, add a bit of minced fresh parsley.

7. Serve the potatoes with the pieces of toasted and fried bread.

You can easily create a variant of this recipe, simply by not adding the lemon juice. In this case you must add another piece of butter with the yolks and then a handful of grated parmigiano cheese.

Quando avrete passati i pomi di terra col butirro e cipolla come i precedenti, li bagnerete con brodo bianco, o con acqua bollente, conditeli con sale, pepe pesto, e noce moscata; fateli bollire dolcemente, e quando saranno cotti, e ridotti a poca salsa, legateli con una liason di rossi d'uova, e sugo di limone, servendoli con crostini di pane fritti all’intorno, e dentro un pizzico di petrosemolo imbianchito, e trito. Se non volete mettervi il sugo di limone potrete mettervi un buon pezzo di butirro, ed un pugno di parmegiano grattato.