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When the published version of this recipe appeared for the first time in 1790, it was already a common dish on the tables of the aristocracy. We know from the letters by Leopold and by Wolfgang, that pheasant was a common dish when they were invited to attend the soirées and the parties organised by the aristocrats.

Enjoy this original Mozartian recipe!

The English modern version of this recipe is an exclusive property of MozartCircle.
The perfect recipe for Mozart's Le Nozze di Figaro Pheasant à la Comtesse The original recipe (1790):
Fagiano alla Contessa
A professional servant needed!
This recipe can be used also with peacock, little bustard (tetrax tetrax) and guineafowl.

1 young fat male (to be boned)
salt and pepper butter (unsalted)
lemon juice (half lemon)
lardo (150gr. better a good spiced one,
  like the Lard d'Arnad)
ham (from a block of ham 150gr. julienne)
veal from heifer (150gr. julienne, pre-cooked)
2 shallots (cut into thin rings) Champagne or Alsatian white wine (1 glass)
chicken stock
light veal stock (Restoran)

For Mazzetto d'erbe diverse:
1 red onion (peeled, cut into thin rings) 2 cloves garlic (peeled and chopped into slithers)
1 little carrot (cut into round slices)

Stuffing for the Pheasant (raw Ragout):
A mixture of sweetbreads (animelle) of heifer, young goat and lamb
chicken livers
St. George mushrooms or Portobello mushrooms (100gr.)
shrimps tails (100gr. peeled)
black truffle (cut into thin slices)
2 small shallots (minced)
2 small onions (minced)
1 clove garlic (minced)
basil (minced)
parsley (minced)
lardo (150gr. chopped, better a good spiced one, like the Lard d'Arnad)
butter (250gr. half melted, unsalted)
salt and pepper
lemon juice (half lemon)

Serving sauce (Culì di carote/Coulis of carrots):
carrots (300gr.)
salt and pepper
ham (cut into little cubes)
light veal stock (Restoran)
milk cream
3 egg yolks
Il Fagiano è uno de' migliori bocconi. Il maschio è più grosso, più bello, e di un sapore più grato che la femina; devesi scegliere giovane, grasso, e di buon odore, né tanto fresco, né tanto frollo.

Fiambate, spiluccate, sventrate, e levate l'osso del petto a un bel Fagiano, riempitelo con un Ragù crudo d'animelle, fegatini, tartufi, etc. Cucitelo, trussatelo colle zampe ripiegate sopra le coscie; fatelo rinvenire in una cazzarola sopra il fuoco con un pezzo di butirro squagliato e sugo di limone; indi asciugatelo, piccategli tutto il petto di minuto lardo; mettetelo in una cazzarola con un pezzo di prosciutto, qualche fetta di vitella, un mazzetto d'erbe diverse, due scalogne, poco brodo, un bicchiere di vino di Sciampagna, o altro vino bianco consumato per metà, coprite con qualche fetta di lardo, e un foglio di carta; fatelo cuocere con fuoco sotto, e sopra. Quando sarà cotto, passate al setaccio il fondo della cottura, digrassatelo, aggiungeteci un poco di brodo colorito, fatelo consumare al punto di una glassa, scolate il Fagiano dalla Bresa, scucitelo, glassategli tutto il sopra piccato, e servitelo, con sotto una salsa al Culì di carote.

Di seguito le ricette per il Ragù e il Culì:

Ragù crudo di animelle
I Ragù crudi d’animelle. Per farli prendete delle animelle di mongana, o di capretto, o di abbacchio, imbianchitele all’acqua bollente, ma più le prime, che le altre. Nettate bene dal fiele, e imbianchite anche dei fegatini di pollo; tagliate in pezzi le animelle di mongana, quelle di capretto, o di abbacchio lasciatele intere, o tagliatele in due. I fegatini divideteli per metà, e appropriateli bene, uniteci qualche prugnolo intero, e tartufo in fette, code di gamberi, se volete, petrosemolo, scalogna, cippolletta, il tutto trito, una punta d’aglio, un’idea di basilico in polvere, lardo rapato, butirro squagliato, sale, pepe schiacciato, noce moscata, e sugo di limone; mescolate il tutto, e servite per ripieno.

1. Clean and prepare as usual and then bone the pheasant.

2. Prepare the raw ragout of sweetbreads (Ragù crudo di animelle) in this way: cut the St. George mushrooms or the Portobello mushrooms into slices and classically sauté them with butter, garlic and parsley (trifolare), as usual; clean the sweetbreads, remove centre membrane, tough fibrous pieces and connective tissue; keep the mixture of sweetbreads and chicken livers in boiling water for a few seconds; then halve the chicken livers and the sweetbreads of the young goat and of the lamb and, instead, cut the heifer sweetbreads into pieces; clean and correctly prepare the shrimp tails by peeling them (shrimps must be without head and without shell); now in a bowl mix all the ingredients together; add salt and pepper as needed.

3. When you have finished with the ragout, use it to stuff the pheasant.

4. Using butcher's string, then sew the pheasant up and truss it.

5. In a large saucepan, melt the butter with lemon juice. Now brown the whole pheasant all over, by turning it various times in the saucepan with the butter and lemon until golden-brown. Add salt and pepper on the pheasant, while browning.

6. When the pheasant is ready, dry it with a towel and then wrap the breast with lardo slices. Add some salt and pepper, as needed, on the whole pheasant.

7. Position the pheasant in an oven casserole (en casserole/cazzarola) and add the chicken stock, the ham (julienne), the heifer veal (julienne), 2 shallots, 1 glass of Champagne or Alsatian white wine, and the Mazzetto d'erbe diverse. Cover the whole pheasant with other lardo slices. Close the casserole with aluminium foil.

8. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Place in the oven for 45 mins to an hour.

9. In the meanwhile, prepare the serving sauce, Culì of carrots, in this way. Cut the carrots into round slices. Keep them in boiling water for a few seconds, then put them in a saucepan with butter, ham, salt, pepper and some spiced light veal stock (Restoran). Let them cook slowly and gently until they have absorbed all the stock. Mash the carrots and pass them through a fine sieve. Now in a saucepan put the sieved carrots and the milk cream. Add salt and pepper. Cook until you obtain a smooth uniform sauce and then add 3 egg yolks. Taste the sauce, check salt and pepper seasoning and adjust to taste. The Culì of carrots now is ready.

10. When the pheasant is ready, remove the sewing and position the pheasant unto the Culì of carrots, degrease the casserole juices, then pass them through a sieve and put them into a saucepan. Add some spiced light veal stock (Restoran). Let it reduce over medium heat until it becomes a thick glaze. Then glaze the pheasant and serve it.


Usually modern meat and vegetables do not require the boiling water pre-treatment (and especially for the sweetbreads of the young goat, the lamb and the carrots).
Salsa al Culì di Carote
Mondate le carote gialle, imbianchitele un momento all’acqua bollente, e tagliatele in fette, ponetele in una cazzarola con un pezzo di butirro, un pezzo di prosciutto, passatele bene sopra il fuoco acciò prendano sapore, bagnatele con restoran, o altro brodo, colorito, fatele cuocere dolcemente e che consumi il brodo, scolatele, passatele al setaccio, o stamina, aggiungeteci fiore di latte, fatelo consumare, e che sia legata la salsa quanto basti. Se poi la bagnate col fior di latte, allora nel momento di servire, ci metterete una liason di due o tre rossi d’uovi freschi.